Potter-Elvehjem Grinding Chambers and Pestles vs. PRO Scientific Homogenizer

Potter-Elvehjem Grinding Chamber  vs. Bio-Gen PRO200 Homogenizer

What's the difference?  Which is right for you?

With a Tissue Grinder Potter-Elvehjem, the PTFE pestle is attached to a stainless steel shaft and homogenization occurs as the sample and buffer are forced through the cylindrical portion of the mortar as the pestle rotates downward.  Generally, this is a hand-held process since all movement is done by hand.  PRO Scientific Homogenizers are rotor-stator homogenizers. Cell disruption with the rotor-stator homogenizer involves hydraulic and mechanical shear as well as cavitation. 

Using a Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer with a PTFE pestle is a viable option for disrupting cells.  However, it is not very efficient at the homogenizing of solid tissue.

When the correct tissue homogenizing equipment is selected, most homogenization will take 10-30 seconds.  This means, little to no heat will be emitted.  When there is a concern about samples being kept at sub-ambient temperatures, samples can easily be homogenized in an ice-bath or cooling bead bath.

Can I use a PRO Homogenizer for soft tissues too?

Absolutely!  You need not be limited to using only a Tissue Grinder Potter-Elvehjem with your soft tissue samples, such as liver or brain.  A PRO Scientific rotor-stator homogenizer can be an effective means of homogenizing soft tissues.  When using a rotor-stator homogenizer, like PRO Scientific’s homogenizer, it is important to select a generator probe that provides a low sheer number.  With that generator probe selected, most homogenization will take place in a matter of seconds, so heat production is not a concern.  We have a variety of homogenizer package kits that are ideal 

Examples of PRO Scientific Homogenizers being used to homogenize soft tissue samples:


Fatty liver – PRO200 Homogenizer
Rat liver – PRO200 Homogenizer
Liver – PRO200 Homogenizer
Equine liver – PRO200 Homogenizer
Mouse liver – PRO200 Homogenizer
Kidney - PRO200 Homogenizer
Renal tumor - PRO200 Homogenizer
Hippocampi - PRO200 Homogenizer
Thalamus - PRO200 Homogenizer

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